Sendai Framework National Focal Points From Europe and Central Asia Meet to Discuss Strategic Priorities for 2021

2021-03-02 10:41      來源:UNDRR ROE

Sendai Framework National Focal Points from 39 Europe and Central Asia member states met this week to discuss strategic priorities for 2021, as well as take stock of resilience efforts in the region as countries dealt with the historic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Among the topics covered were experiences from member states on the impact and response to the COVID-19 pandemic; progress toward Sendai Target E on the implementation and financing of national DRR strategies; the Sendai Framework monitoring process; and EU initiatives and other projects in the broader European region.

In addition, a key focus of member state deliberations was the upcoming European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR), to be held on 24-26 November 2021 in Matosihnos, Portugal. Member states discussed the reparatory process and key conference priorities. It is envisioned that the EFDRR will focus on the following three main topics:

a.COVID-19 Lessons Learned, looking at how communities are coping with the pandemic; cascading risks; the importance of technology to be more prepared to respond to risks; vulnerable populations; Target E and inclusion of Biological hazards in DRR; resilience of supply chains; and the capacity to change systems in order to build institutional capacities to change systems and to build resilience.

b.SFDRR Implementation, which will address the resilience of Critical Infrastructure; Sustainable Finance; Nature-based Solutions; lessons learned from countries on measuring the effectiveness of taken measures towards Sendai Framework implementation; Disaster Loss Data collection and its importance to improve investments in prevention; Target E; Technological disasters; Private Sector’s role and the value of SMEs; the importance of local resilience.

c.Building Resilience, which will focus on building a culture of resilience: education for a whole-of-society approach and engagement; Hybrid threats and cyber threats; Challenges of compound events; Good examples of resilient technology infrastructure, multi-hazard risk assessment; the importance of sound risk analysis, local resilience and climate change-related impacts and resilience, disaster displacement, building stronger cooperation and collaboration networks to deal with systemic risks

Discussions also focused on the EFDRR RoadMap 2021-2030, which forms the backbone for coordinated implementation of SFDRR and related SDGs targets. The final draft of the RoadMap will be shared with all 55 Members for their final review and approval in October 2021.

Source:United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Europe


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