Media call for bigger disaster risk reduction role

2017-08-16 17:52 Source:UNISDR


In the broadcasting unions’ Cancun statement, read by Ms. Ilieva and supported by outlets such as the Jakarta post, the Times of India,  Malawi TV, and Nigeria Radio, the media representatives agreed to further disseminate vital data on the issues of climate change and disaster risk reduction to the widest possible print, radio, television and online audiences throughout the world. They also pledged to take positive and proactive measures in their organisations to produce creative, quality media coverage of efforts to mitigate risk, and to spotlight the human costs of inaction.

In addition, they said that they would follow the “all-of-society” approach that underpins the Sendai Framework, working with governments, civil society, research institutions, international agencies and other partners to ensure professional, accurate, timely and cogent risk messages .

“ The need for more accurate and timely information about all these issues has never been so urgent  when there is so much false and inaccurate information circulating on the web. Broadcasters can help a great deal to alert and inform population and educate them on prevention initiatives that work well and save lives,” said Ms. Ilieva. She added that should like to see the media better integrated in national disaster risk reduction decision-making processes.

Mr. Giacomo Mazzone, Head of Institutional and Members Relations at the EBU, said: “The media needs to be part of the conversation and play a much bigger role from the beginning of the prevention process if we expect more action at local and national levels.”

“We hope that this will be recognized in the follow up mechanisms of Sendai and of Cancun.  Disaster risk reduction policies without the media would be like a singer at the Eurovision Song Contest that has lost his voice the day of the final,” he added.


2 Jun 2017


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)


Capacity Development, Community-based DRR, Early Warning, Advocacy & Media, Private Sector, Disaster Risk Management
