American industry launches UN backed network to build resilience to disasters

2017-10-24 10:51 Source:UNISDR


Vice-Chair of ARISE-US, Ms. Chloe Demrovsky, President of Disaster Recovery International (DRI), said: “We need to see the business community taking account of disaster risk before investing in new projects and avoiding the creation of disaster risk through lack of foresight or understanding of what creates disaster risk.”

Mr. Robert Glasser, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction, welcomed the initiative and said: “Today is International Day for Disaster Reduction and there can rarely have been a more opportune moment than now to inaugurate ARISE USA, an alliance which will engage the private sector wholeheartedly in an effort to reduce the escalating cost of disasters to the American people, including lost lives, lost homes and lost jobs.

“The resilience and fortitude of the American private sector have been put under tremendous strain by a series of extreme weather events including Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria and Nate, drought and wildfires, which directly affect business performance and undermine longer-term competitiveness and sustainability.”

The global ARISE network was launched by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) in 2015 and has over 140 member companies active in over 150 countries. There are country chapters established in Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Japan, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and the Philippines.


13 Oct 2017


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)


Advocacy & Media


United States of America


