Public Health England reviews Sendai implementation

2017-12-08 15:05 Source:UNISDR


“PHE’s work is not only focused on reducing mortality and the numbers of people affected by extreme weather but has also rightly identified the importance of reducing economic losses which can also have an adverse impact on people’s physical and psychological health through unemployment and other knock-on effects.” 

This was also a theme highlighted at PHE’s 2017 Conference by Mr. Selbie, who focused on the importance of work as a health outcome and the relationship between income and outcome. 

In reviewing the work undertaken by the organisation as part of its core business, the review also highlighted a wide range of activities which are already consistent with the Sendai Framework priorities and drew attention to a number of PHE projects which go beyond its core business and are also aligned with the Framework. 

Throughout the 89 page report, a number of opportunities are identified which PHE recognise may need further work and the process of identifying progress within its work against the Sendai Framework will be an ongoing exercise. At a more strategic level, PHE will continue to focus on promoting world-class science and evidence by continuing to invest in science, research and innovation, and will further consolidate its position as a trusted, objective and authoritative source of evidence and knowledge. 

Prof Virginia Murray commented “This review has been the outcome of several months’ work by our team that has collected inputs from across our organisation to better understand how we are meeting the actions identified under the Sendai Framework. Also we have used this process to continue our collaboration with other departments within UK Government at local and national levels and our partner organisations across the world and have found it a valuable tool to inform areas for further activity.” 

The report’s authors conclude that the process of reviewing and detailing work done on an organizational basis may be used as a template for other departments within the UK government, as well as other countries to report their progress against implementing the Framework.


17 Nov 2017


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
