Putting Disaster Risk Into Adaptation Plans

2017-12-19 15:07 Source:UNISDR


The meeting hailed the several examples of more integrated disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation action as a "win-win and no regrets" pathway towards community resilience.

Ms. Kathia Aguilar Martin, Technical Expert Director of Climate Change at Costa Rica’s Ministry of Environment and Energy, told the forum how an initial focus on agriculture provided an "entry point" for more joint efforts that have now spread to other sectors.

The Head of UNISDR’s Bonn Office, Mr. David Stevens said: “The disaster risk and climate change communities have moved much closer in the past few years. This meeting and its outcome adds momentum to this consolidation of thinking and action on resilience building.”

Coherence is at the heart of on-going work at the international level of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through enhancing the linkages between implementation of the Sendai Framework, Paris Agreement and SDG’s. Paul Desanker, Manager in the Adaptation Programme, UNFCCC said “the National Adaptation Plans have come a long way and the explicit consideration of DRR strategies will facilitate coherence in achieving Sendai and UNFCCC adaptation goals and objectives.”

The outcomes of the Expert Meeting, organized by UNISDR, will now feed into a revision of technical guidelines that will to help countries to ensure that DRR is integrated into National Adaptation Plans.

The meeting was organized by UNISDR with the support of the German Government.


29 Nov 2017


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)


Africa, Americas, Europe, Asia
